The railroad infrastructure

In December of 2015, we have completed the construction of the loading dock terminal and 33.4km railroad lines connecting the Tumurtei mine of Khuder soum, Selenge province to Khandgait station. The railroad infrastructure encourages the growth of regional heavy industry and brought positive impact to the regional economic outlook. More importantly, the infrastructure now fosters the growth of multiple iron processing facilities in the region and for the first time in the history of Mongolia, DMP can now carry out complete processing of iron ores and produce almost various different types of value added products, thus creating 200 potential job opportunities. Furthermore, the infrastructure reduces car traffic in the region, helping preserve the environment as well as boosting Mongolia’s export potential.

+976 75002552


Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar district, 1st khoroo, Peace Avenue, Blue Sky Tower

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